The 3 Biggest Lies that stop you from finding the Right Representation



Learn the strategy that's worked in EVERY SINGLE city, state, and country where an actor has used it!

The 3 Biggest Lies that stop you from finding the Right Representation



Learn the strategy that's worked in EVERY SINGLE city, state, and country where an actor has used it!

Everything you’ve been told about Finding Reps


Red Hot Truths:

Agents AREN’T worried about credits half as much as you are.

A target list is the WORST STRATEGY to find the right match!

Your reel is a giant WASTE of time & money.

Referrals are DANGEROUS – and a big energy suck!

Diversity MATTERS (amen & hallelujah!). It’s NOT a closed door if your type isn’t in high demand.

The strategy you’ll learn has been tested by 724 Other Actors who used it to land solid representation.

Everything you’ve been told about Finding Reps

Red Hot Truths:

Agents AREN’T worried about credits half as much as you are.

A target list is the WORST STRATEGY to find the right match!

Your reel is a giant WASTE of time & money.

Referrals are DANGEROUS – and a big energy suck!

Diversity MATTERS (amen & hallelujah). It’s NOT a closed door if your type isn’t in high demand.

The strategy you’ll learn

has been tested by

724 Other Actors

who used it to

land solid representation.



Hi, I'm Brian!

If you want Great Representation

I've got Great News...

You DON’T need new headshots.

You DON’T need referrals.

You DON’T need a TV credit.

You DON’T need a target list.

You DON’T need a reel.


I was too, but after helping 724 actors sign with agents and managers, I had to face the red hot truth...

I used to spend months helping actors get new headshots, shoot their reels, craft clever, co-dependent emails to woo their friends into giving them referrals, and scour the web to create the perfect target list.

And only 1 out of 13 actors would get a meeting. Not bad, but not great– especially when you consider how much time and money they spent.

So, I asked my clients to throw all the busy work away and just follow a few clear steps instead.

Hi, I'm Brian!

If you want Great Representation

I've got Great News...

You DON’T need new headshots.

You DON’T need referrals.

You DON’T need a TV credit.

You DON’T need a target list.

You DON’T need a reel.


I was too, but after helping 724 actors sign with agents and managers, I had to face the red hot truth...

I used to spend months helping actors get new headshots, shoot their reels, craft clever, co-dependent emails to woo their friends into giving them referrals, and scour the web to create the perfect target list.

And…only 1 out of 13 actors would get a meeting. Not bad, but not great– especially when you consider how much time and money they spent.

So, I asked my clients to throw all the busy work away and just follow a few clear steps instead.



Everybody who tried it
Landed An Agent.

And it worked in every single city, state, and country where it was used.

I know that sounds like a big fat lie, but it’s the truth. So, I’m not going to shy away from it.

What I love even more about this new approach is...

It’s designed to make agents want YOU, not the other way around.

No more chasing, no more painful silences, and no more puffing yourself up to sound like your career is perfect.

That’s what this masterclass is all about, so I’m really glad you’re here.


Everybody who tried it
Landed An Agent.

And it worked in every single city, state, and country where it was used.

I know that sounds like a big fat lie, but it’s the truth. So, I’m not going to shy away from it.

What I love even more about this new approach is...

It’s designed to make agents want YOU, not the other way around.

No more chasing, no more painful silences, and no more puffing yourself up to sound like your career is perfect.

That’s what this masterclass is all about, so I’m really glad you’re here.


If you’ve ever tried to find an agent in the past without any luck, this training is a No-Brainer For You.

It's worked for 724 actors and it's free...

So, you in?

If you’ve ever tried to find an agent in the past without any luck, this training is a No-Brainer For You.

It's worked for 724 actors and it's free...

So, you in?

(yup...this works for managers too!)